Wealth For Life has developed a predictable property investment model that helps everyday Australians achieve financial literacy and build an investment portfolio that delivers passive income - and ultimately financial freedom.
Do you know where your finances stand? Could you start investing today? Our wealth education services provide you with the knowledge that you need to secure financial freedom.
Students leave school without knowledge of the financial pitfalls that they may fall into. They have to learn from experience, which means many will make mistakes. For generation after generation, students get told the same thing. Study hard, get good grades, and get a good job. The rest will take care of itself. But that doesn’t happen. Instead, you work a full-time job and retire on less than you earned. That approach will not allow you to reach your financial goals.
Wealth for Life provides a range of educational services that will help you to take control of your finances and plan your next steps. Our seminars, webinars and workshops deliver a goldmine of information. However if you work with us directly one on one, we’ll guide you step by step to put this golden knowledge into practice for real. Whether you want to start investing or you just need to know more about money, we can help.
When building a house, you don’t go down to your local hardware store, buy a whole heap of building materials and then call in a builder on your vacant block of land and say, “build me a house.” Because, we know that the first thing the builder will ask is: “Where are the plans?” In exactly the same way, you need to plan your financial future.
There are no short cuts or get rich quick schemes that actually work for the majority of people. Instead, carefully planning with a strategic approach, educating yourself on all the options available to you, not only reduces your risk, but will give you a far greater chance of financial success over time.
Our Process
The Wealth For Life 5 step process promotes an environment whereby decisions are made collaboratively through communication, interaction and teamwork. Wealth For Life advisors will work closely with you throughout, to develop a complete understanding of your personal objectives, needs and financial situation.
Whilst we focus on tailored wealth management solutions, almost all Wealth For Life clients go through five steps.
Reduce Personal Debt
Minimise Your Tax
Create Your Wealth
Manage Your Risk
Create Your Legacy
Let us sit down with you and help you achieve your financial goals. Claim your 15 minute free consultation by contacting us today. It’s 15 minutes that can change your financial future forever.
Mortgage Solutions
At Wealth for Life, we understand that properly structured financing is the key to achieving your financial goals.
Most investors think that finding the right property is the key to financial freedom. It’s certainly an important part of the puzzle but finance plays an equal, if not greater, role in your success. A bad home loan can make it a challenge to profit from even the best investment properties. Instead of reaping the rewards, your income goes straight back into repaying the mortgage; a situation that you need to avoid.
With our own in-house Mortgage Solutions division, our broker works for you. That means they are looking for finance that serves your interests and situation. You’ll have an experienced ally in your corner with access to loan products from over 50 different lenders – and knows the difference between what lenders want to achieve and your financial goals.
Our Services
We offer a range of services via our mortgage team, including:
Pre-approvals for home loans
Investment financing
Home loan reviews
Loan refinancing
Obtaining finance for renovations and construction work.
That’s just a small sample of what Wealth for Life’s Mortgage Solutions team have to offer you.
Get in touch with the team today to find out more.
Whether building one of our innovative home designs, or choosing a boutique designed apartment or townhouse, we only use the best products and materials on the market, making our homes irresistible to tenants and buyers.
All our builders are registered with Housing Industry Association (HIA) and run sizeable organisations of staff, contractors and tradespeople. We have fixed priced contracts, start times and completion times and never compromise the quality of work for our clients. It’s not surprising that the homes we build for our clients usually receive multiple rental applications from prospective tenants upon completion.
Our buying power also enables us to negotiate very strong service level agreements, after-care maintenance programs, warranties and insurances. A single purchaser or investor could not be expected to negotiate or compete with such service level agreements. The knowledge we have gained over many years has enabled us to streamline the building process, resulting in a hassle free building experience for you – our client.
Contact us now so we can help you realise The Great Australian Dream and put you on the path to financial freedom.
Let’s face it – you’re busy with your day to day living of work, family and social activities. Yet someone needs to manage this entire process:
selecting the right type of property or asset class (real estate, shares)
addressing tax and legal structures with accountants and lawyers
getting the right investment finance and dealing with banks
conveyancing and coordinating the settlement of your purchase
building and construction
dealing with insurance companies
quantity surveyor
property managers
Sounds simple right?
For someone to take on board this process themselves, it would require close to their full attention. Well, having gone through this program literally thousands of times, we know how to steer the process and deliver a successful outcome – every time.
At Wealth For Life, we have dedicated internal project managers that run the entire process on behalf of our clients from start to finish. We keep you in the know every step of the way, delivering an experience second to none. We update you on a fortnightly basis with a progress report. It’s like being in our office or on the construction site, from the comfort of your own lounge room. You’ll sleep like a baby at night knowing that we are in control on your behalf and there are no surprises at the end.
Many people head into property investment on the back of poor advice. Wealth for Life ensures that never happens to you. Our Property Advisory service provides you with all of the information that you need to make sound investments that will achieve excellent rental returns and capital growth.
Our exacting 12-step process assesses every property that we take an interest in. Unless a prospective investment property falls within the top 5% of performers, we’ll reject it. With Wealth for Life, we’ll guide you to use the fundamentals of investing to make your decisions. There are no gimmicks. Instead, you receive sound advice and a strategy that will perform strongly in the long term.
Wealth for Life’s people aren’t just advisors. They’re also investors who’ve used our techniques to build towards their own futures. Our entire acquisitions team examines every property that you consider buying – this ensures that multiple people conduct due diligence before we offer any advice to you.
We are fully committed to delivering real results to our clients - watch the example below, or click here to see an in depth summary.
Property Management
At Wealth for Life we have developed a unique approach to ensure your property is well managed. In fact, we have a stellar record when it comes to ensuring your tenants make their rent payments - 95% of our tenants pay on time and in full every time.
Our clever lease structures, insurance benefits, annual reports and access to specialist software, means you avoid the many pitfalls that property managers often fall into.
Wealth for Life takes great pride in its property management services.
At Wealth For Life, it’s about ensuring we help people achieve their life goals using wealth creation strategies in a safe, secure and simple manner. Therefore your goals, as set out in the planning stage of our model, govern and determine any action and decision made. We review your investment portfolio on a scheduled three monthly basis. Whilst the end goals set out from the beginning won’t change, the plan along the way may change and need to be adjusted to cater for any unexpected circumstances or events.
This may include career path and job changes, additional family members, change of marital status, relocation to another city or state or more a more aggressive approach to financial freedom. Certain markets are cyclic and therefore careful planning and management needs to be taken into account.
We follow a three step process in achieving your goals:
The foundation stage.
Setting up the correct foundation that can support the years ahead.
The accumulation phase.
This is where you invest in the chosen asset classes that become your vehicle for financial freedom.
The preservation stage.
Once you have secured the right assets and in the right quantity, you will hold your position over time and preserve what you have secured.
Overtime we will commence a debt reduction strategy as the end goal is to be financial free, which would mean no debt. Our long term relationship with you means that we are by your side every step of the way to ensure you achieve your goals.
If any of these services are of interest please get in touch using the contact form below.